Analyzing the synthesis route of 34941-92-9

After consulting a lot of data, we found that this compound(34941-92-9)Product Details of 34941-92-9 can be used in many types of reactions. And in most cases, this compound has more advantages.

Product Details of 34941-92-9. So far, in addition to halogen atoms, other non-metallic atoms can become part of the aromatic heterocycle, and the target ring system is still aromatic. Compound: 4-Chloro-2-fluoropyridine, is researched, Molecular C5H3ClFN, CAS is 34941-92-9, about Selective C-H Fluorination of Pyridines and Diazines Inspired by a Classic Amination Reaction.

Fluorinated heterocycles are prevalent in pharmaceuticals, agrochems., and materials. However, reactions that incorporate fluorine into heteroarenes are limited in scope and can be hazardous. The authors present a broadly applicable and safe method for the site-selective fluorination of a single carbon-hydrogen bond in pyridines and diazines using com. available silver(II) fluoride. The reactions occur at ambient temperature within 1 h with exclusive selectivity for fluorination adjacent to nitrogen. The mild conditions allow access to fluorinated derivatives of medicinally important compounds, as well as a range of 2-substituted pyridines prepared by subsequent nucleophilic displacement of fluoride. Mechanistic studies demonstrate that the pathway of a classic pyridine amination can be adapted for selective fluorination of a broad range of nitrogen heterocycles.

After consulting a lot of data, we found that this compound(34941-92-9)Product Details of 34941-92-9 can be used in many types of reactions. And in most cases, this compound has more advantages.

Pyrroline – Wikipedia,
1-Pyrroline | C4H7N – PubChem